Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 7: Homework

Reading Assignment:
Read Chapter 7 of Theology and Sanity, “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”—pp. 98—110.

1. What are we exploring in this chapter? (p.98)

2. God know and loves, for God is a spirit and these are the proper operations of Spirit. What follows from the fact that God is infinite spirit? (p.99)

3. What are the two names for the Second Person of the Trinity given to us in Scripture? (p.99)

4. What two elements constitute the essence of being a son? Give the philosophical definition of sonship. (p. 99)

5. What is God teaching us when He tells us to call the second person of the Trinity “the Son”? (p. 100)

6. Was God ever not a Father? (p.101)

7. What is the only adequate object of infinite knowledge? (p.103)

8. The Second Person of the Trinity proceeds from the First by way of knowledge. How does the Third Person proceed? How does this relate to the operations of spirit? (p. 105)

9. How is the word spirit when used in the term Holy Spirit different from how it used when we speak of God as spirit? (p. 106)

10. What verbs do we use to describe the respective processions of the Second and Third Persons of the Trinity? (p. 107)

Reflection Questions:
1. Read 2 Timothy 1: 7. What kind of spirit has God given us? How does this relate to what we’ve been studying?

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