Monday, February 25, 2008

Week 15: Homework

Reading Assignment:
Read Chapter 17 of Theology and Sanity, “The Redeemer”—pp. 242--268.


  1. Why was it the Second Person of the Trinity who was chosen for the redemption of the world? (p. 242-3)
  2. How is Jesus more of a man than we are? (p. 243)
  3. What’s the significance of Jesus being conceived of a human mother? Couldn’t he have just suddenly appeared among us with a human body and human soul? (p. 243-4)
  4. Does Christ’s sinlessness diminish his humanity? Why or why not? (p. 244)
  5. How could Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, grow in wisdom? (p. 245).
  6. Does the fact that Jesus had infused knowledge and the Beatific Vision contradict his humanity? (p. 246)
  7. How did the Holy Spirit help Jesus in his ministry? (p. 247)
  8. Did Christ have faith, hope, and charity? (p. 247)
  9. If Christ was God, in what sense was he praying to God? (p. 247)
  10. Why must we look closely at Christ in the Gospels? (p. 248)
  11. What does it mean to know Christ personally? Why is it important? Where do we meet Him? (p. 249-50)
  12. What is the particular modern error about Christ that Sheed mentions on page 250? How does this misperception of Christ differ from real love? (p. 250-1)
  13. Explain how Jesus could say both “I and the Father are one and the Father is greater than I”? (p. 253)
  14. How did Jesus teach? (p. 254)

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever dismissed Christ as “meek and mild”? What can you do during this Lent to improve your understanding of him?
  2. If we are related to Jesus through Mary (c.f. question 3 above), what kind of relationship with Our Lady do you think would be most pleasing to Christ? What can you do to develop a relationship like that?

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