Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 16: Homework

Reading Assignment:
Read Chapter 18 of Theology and Sanity, “The Redeeming Sacrifice”—pp. 255--268.


  1. Which three words sum up what Our Lord is? How do these express what he did as well? (p.255)
  2. What was the thing He [Jesus] had come to do? (p.256)
  3. What is the “life-formula” of the Atonement? (p.261)
  4. What was the suffering from which Jesus shrank in the Garden of Gethsemane if not the bodily torments he was about to endure? (p.262)
  5. Does Christ undergo his suffering unwillingly? (p.262)
  6. What happened to Christ’s soul after He died? (p.265)
  7. What is meant by the word hell in the Apostle’s Creed? What are three synonyms for this place? (p.265)
  8. How does Christ’s bodily Resurrection demonstrate complete victory over death? (p.266)
  9. How are the Resurrection and the Acension organically part of the Sacrifice of Christ?
Reflection Questions:
  1. What is the consequence of thinking of the Truth as a person as opposed to merely an idea?
  2. If Christ’s prayer for the Church was that it be one as He and the Father are one, what do you think He thinks about all the denominational/intra-denominational division in the Christian community? Is there a remedy for this division?
  3. Some people claim that the Resurrection of Jesus was not a physical event but rather a spiritual event that takes place in the hearts of believers. Do you think this belief is compatible with authentic Christian faith? Why or why not?

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