Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 3: Homework

Reading Assignment:
Read Chapter 3 of Theology and Sanity, “He Who Is”—pp. 47-60.


1. What are the two modern tendencies about God?

2. Why is dismissing the belief in the true God as a private affair more grotesque than dismissing as private affairs the belief in Moloch (who demanded child sacrifice) or Kali (who demanded followers to strangle strangers)?

3. What are the two ways we can come to a knowledge of God and grow in that knowledge? What is a third, supplementary way?

4. Can the existence of God be known by human reason without the aid of revelation?

5. Why should someone who already accepts God’s existence still study the “proofs” for his existence?

6. What does Sheed say is the primary cause of most people’s unbelief? Do you agree?

7. Restate in your own words the proof of God’s existence using the argument from contingency.

8. Why is a universe with only receivers of existence a contradiction in terms?

9. Who made God?

10. Define nature. (p. 55)

11. What, according to Sheed, is “the primary Truth about God”? How is this truth revealed to the Jewish people?

12. On page 57, Sheed states that whatever perfections are found in created existence must be in God. He goes on to say that knowledge and love are found in created things. What does he conclude from this?

13. Define person. (p.57)

14. Your brain may be full and hurting—don’t give up! Reread the last two paragraphs of the chapter and be encouraged! This way of thinking is hard, but it’s good.

Reflection Questions:

1. Read Luke 11: 5-13. What does this passage say about how we are to seek the Lord? What does it say about those who seek Him?

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