Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 5: Homework

Reading Assignment:
Read Chapter 5 of Theology and Sanity, “God Tells Man”—pp. 76—87.

1. What are the ways Jesus teaches us about God? (Hint: the answer is in the section titles.)

2. What difference does the Incarnation with respect to our ability to know God?

3. Why did Jesus keep his divinity a secret for so long? Explain.

4. What are some of the things Christ did and said that only God had a right to do and say?

5. What was the “principal fruit” of the Apostles’ three year companionship with Jesus?

6. How do we “vivify all that hard thinking about the Infinite? (p.83).

7. Why are our words and concepts of God, though inadequate, not useless?

8. What “new element in God’s revelation of Himself to men” did Christ reveal?

Reflection Questions:
1. How familiar are you with the words and ministry of Jesus? Have you ever read a Gospel account all the way through? If not start reading one today.

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